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tv   Book Discussion on Retaking America  CSPAN  March 21, 2016 10:13pm-11:18pm EDT

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a racial lens with the health care outcome would health outcome is still a constructive lines there is a lot of work to. and it is a very important stream of protests and our country to get people to work up to. so please pay attention to the fact that if you are black-and-white it is not opinion but objective data and they will get a 20%
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longer sentence for that crime. three of police officers to say that and push it -- implicit bias in policing in america and the leaders start to say we need to address this. that we need to start trading on these issues there is a conversation we need to have. and not fall into prejudging but where we really want to be as a society the better your background of their your hard work to have that outcome that are the american dream.
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when you work with the police very closely. in the book you talk about the tough jobs that they have in the sacrifices they are making. and the cops who are dying in the street to protect black lives end the critique of the other. how are you get them to see one another? >> when i talked to professionals use the level
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of bravery every day from police officers with their hostage situation but before i could even come to that conclusion i just here in the phone go go go they stormed into a building with no situational awareness they have families and their racing into gunfire so that is what i encounter but that is not contrary to the fact with the power to use deadly force.
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to being the best representation so admitting there was racial bias in nine of the great manager at a time we were reducing government in the midst of a recession new jersey cities were cutting cutting cutting we can do exciting types of management with police accountability and not till the end of my career with the partnership and as the
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head and the fbi has said to even have a constructive conversation if we don't even know where collect on police shooting that is wonderful then i sat down with the data team at the white house that is now doing things to understand they are human beings and those under stress who are traumatized by the experience. that the big data folks at the white house rtc about those in the olympics what the cop might break remember
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the pool party and police officer? >> tim leave vilified creating a rage but one of the predictors is having been involved with suicide or going to the suicide calls. those are stressful for the context that somebody could wash -- lashup. en to predict and the private sector use is that data why don't we do that to better predict handling to
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suicide calls it is so much more likely of negative interaction but it is a lot more sophisticated so we found out the hard way now have legislation with barbara boxer. i turn on the 24 hour news to talk about race we don't have the fax. so what i have that objective data we have big created what we need to help the officers to empower them end by the way i'm telling you right now you can have 99.9% but that one-tenth of 1% is a lot of people.
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is hard to i your hard -- good people. >> before we finish. so one thing that you know, now the you did not know before? >> a lot of things but one thing is it goes back to interviewing people that i did not know what the time. began to be reflected to me that we have of kindness for decency in love little fully appreciate. do we use our power every day to create the kind of america that we want or are
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we in sedentary agitation we're so upset but we don't recognize we could get up to do something dramatic about it. >> that is the perfect place to stop. thank you very much. this is a great read
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>> i first met mitt to three years ago ended you understand history think of alexis day tocqueville's
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hakeem in the early 1800's. he was a young man who wanted to understand what made america so unique from all the other countries and wanted to understand that was indistinguishable about america was the individual rights so here today we have the modern-day alexis de tocqueville coming from the land down under in sharing thoughts and perspectives with us. site will give you a brief overview about nick adams a best-selling author and commentator and appeared on virtually every major television show and radio show and is a columnist and
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serves as a centennial is a to a fellow at colorado christian university and his purchase been published in newspapers around the world and fox news daily caller in governor rick perry appointed him honorary texan his most recent book "retaking america" crushing political corectness" i present to you nick adams ladies and gentlemen,. [applause] >> i appreciate that. good morning ladies and gentlemen, what an honor and privilege it is to stand here before you this morning right here in dallas texas and i'm thrilled to be
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speaking about the policy analysis one of the greatest think tanks and it is a tremendous honor to be with each and every single one of you today in the indispensable country to top off the greatest date in the country. [applause] i love being in texas with the living and breathing embodiment. it is a free and open and confidant and a successful society. i admire the bravado and. a.m. of the refusal to
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debate though world that we now occupy. so that gives us a model for the entire world texas is to a merca what america is to the world is a guiding light in the arabia we should turn to and that is why on the tenth of july with former governor rick perry appointed me as an honorary tax in one of their brightest days i have ever had. ladies and gentlemen, i am here on a book tour my book "retaking america" crushing political corectness" is a book for anybody that loves america it hates political
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correctness. and i look forward to sharing with you a word about the contents of that bill is that made this event possible thanks to the staff for policy analysis with a great way to prepare this event we have a tremendous turnout and know many people in this audience have traveled far and wide. of the gentleman that springs to mind and the furrow of the border of bogota that is on the
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oklahoma border. metadata political correctness and american exceptionalism it is the best place for that message message, because texans have a merciless content for political correctness. and i am always reminded of that i had occasion last year to be in the your with a photograph taken with the young lady she happens to hail from the opposite side of politics in the photo posted on facebook sure
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enough there i was on sixth avenue from fox news and myself on starts reading -- bringing. he says you have a minute? i thank you are making a mistake. i said what have i done wrong? i now want you messing with no liberal women. [laughter] i love that refreshing friendship and honesty that emanates from the texan and spirit. i also have to think my friends from colonel last
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the extraordinary ability so i figure i have 30 seconds before they take the offstage. but to have graciousness and knowledge it is touching that he is spending so much time with young men and women who share the values of the traditional principles so ladies and gentlemen, we stand here in the greatest history of the world the constitution is the best document ever
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written united states military is the greatest mankind has ever known. active duty are veterans of the united states please stand along with any president to law-enforcement so we can't thank you. the world is free because of you. [applause] ladies and gentleman some of you may be wondering where i get this accent but i am from south texas. [laughter] the very deep south and you may wonder why this guy cares about the united states. it is very simple what is
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good for america is good for the world what america does well the world does well with america is weak and becomes an exceedingly dangerous place that isn't a theory or something i have written on the back of a cocktail napkin we are in that reality where it has been weakened by the administration that doesn't appear to be acting in america's best interest as a result directly that america is not in the position and i happen to believe the primary reason is the totalitarian ideology of
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political correctness is behind every single major problem in america today with the police having to wear their own handcuffs gun-control burgeoning governments unsustainable federal debt on the overall stage every single policy concerns and a matter of consternation is routed from political correctness and it cannot be undertaken i cannot think of any ideology
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head is more antithetical to those principles the of the united states it tries to remove three things and they have those three things that set apart from the rest of the world this is patriotic and religious nation in the world. and then to go much further in the united states and i happen to believe anybody board an american was a president resident of the united states because this
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is us country where magic happens to go on to achieve whatever it is that it's an idea to increase the reason why so many people want to come to the united states of america for so long these elites have consistently sold the narrative that america is a hateful place and racist but nothing could be further from the truth. i don't care your color, sexual orientation orientation, of what you do, it is the greatest
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country in the world with the best opportunity to achieve in dream. full stop. period. that is the reality but that is not what the young people are told in the pickup trucks but it is the date that has to be said because that clause to freedom as a casualty of political correctness is the truth. it is interested of expressing reality but just surveying a near-death with the objectives of the politically correct that is what they're selective with the truth is there more than
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prepared to stick their head in the st. when something is clear really obvious he refuses to the movie enemy even as they are more they're prepared to tell us our motivations because all countries have to be equal all people are equal but not all cultures all religions are not. you will not hear that universities today or the classroom elementary school.
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and it is a crying shame it has led to an america right now with so many young people don't like their country they have bought into the nonsense that america is a repressive and has so much to be ashamed about and so little to be proud of that everything that it has done is some way tainted and yet they don't realize they have moral clarity that united states is special because it isn't just a country or geographical entity, is an idea and the ideal and experiment the humanity the laboratory of freedom.
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and it depends on the united states if we lose america no one can pull us out. "this is it" freedom parishes -- perishes in america that is why all those around the world even if they have never stepped foot on american soil have the investment to be healthy human strong and crushing this totalitarian so that is political correctness. in my book "retaking america" crushing political corectness" i wrote it because i believe if the american i will make it to her third centennial in this will be the today 40th birthday -- had to wonder if
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40 -- 240 but if you ask any historian worth their salt about the longevity of a great nation through history they will tell you they last between 200 and 250 years. that puts america right in the bull's-eye. if america can make it to the third centennial, it will require all of us to stand up and crush political correctness because it is stealing your
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confidence, your joey, your ability to lead. i am here to tell you to have dozens of targets targets, there are lots of groups and specifically target but if that politically correct cloud -- crowd has the ace of spades it would be a bear cub because america is the great holdout of the leftist agenda and the only country that is showing resilience for what is going on. and i am here to sate as
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america might be right now the greatest country in the world where would you want to start? that is why more people want to emigrate to the united states more than anywhere else new york does america have its problems? end of course, then ask yourself why be politically correct when you can be right? [laughter] as i have travelled all through the united states, i feel that ordinary everyday americans are finally fighting back they are sick and tired of being attacked to trigger warning and right
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-- white privilege if they did criticize obama they are sick and tired of the is that what to faultless into conformity to find a way to go. america is about individualism and pride to have an identity. we don't want it to turn into another european country or in a state of greatness we want to aspire to the great young americans to be proud to be advocates advocates, to be more they're prepared to reassert
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the american idea what is america and what isn't if you believe in everything you believe in in nothing and that is why it is so important we step up to punched this bully in the nose we kick first and kick card and all stop because if we don't take that action and remain a punching bag and all of those things will lead absolutely nothing and leave dash -- might as well go out with headwear because we need to be able to defend ourselves and have as much passion and honker and
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desire as our enemies to match those that would seek to diminish america and that is what my book "retaking america" crushing political corectness" does it lays out a clear strategy to retake america and crush political correctness if it involves reasserting and engaging in the culture war. one of those fabulous things if we don't like that we don't have to watch it. a radio host or a television tinker or network then we are more than happy to
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change the dial but if we're going to win and take of the fight is knowing the enemy as well as they know themselves. they call less racist in sexist and i could go on. actually had the great privilege to be called all those and i wear it as a badge of honor because those a are forced upon us must be rejected america isn't about
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political correctness not having confidence in stripping away individualism. everyday ordinary people of all the traditional view now they're no longer will come into society's in heaven forbid conservative americans they just happen to have a traditional idea of family and country have become the new communist so wasn't that long ago if you
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had association with communism you could not get a job. bahau have the tables turned. if you hold traditional ideas and values in public you are in a world of hurt in the world of trouble. people are losing their jobs every day. not just in america. he may be wondering why i am targeting the united states i can tell you no matter how bad it is you wouldn't believe how bad it is everywhere else it is much
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worse in england and the australia and canada and western europe but it is my belief that they are too far gone ended that had that foundational principal to will tell them to come back every time i stepped foot on american soil, and i am heartened by the patriotic bloodline that still exist in middle america and i believe has yet begun to fight the when they do political correctness will mundo what hit it and that is what is so pivotal because it is impossible to hype up there really is us
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civilization ichiro and if we cannot erase the situation, it will be those that want to see america had come down. there called bent on indoctrinating young people. we're going to lose this fight. there is no greater moral imperative in to feed into political correctness american needs to come back
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when the government protect the borders and the constitution and cut taxes. in to do those things and gas to crush political correctness each of those coming into fruition. into love opportunity needs to understand the threat. and to make people understand to achieve the dream that they had that
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political correctness exist that it is a hurdle and then the setbacks that prevents people from being able to do what they want to do including what is closest to their heart because political correctness is about encouraging mediocrity nothing could be more anti-american and then that. for the first amendment the of the intellectual tyranny pick up my book "retaking america" crushing political corectness" if you hate political correctness this is the book that i submit to
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you that you need to read because the stakes too far gone we didn't expect this war america but i never paired to give my life for this country and in new york as well and we need to call all of that passion with that belief we can't let it happen a queue. god bless you and i will take any questions you may have. [applause] >> we will open to questions and answers the recently there was a poll that said
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43% of millenials fatah socialism over capitalism we also the movement from college campuses there really does prevent the debate going on. what can we do to educate our young people from these false narrative's? >> i appreciate you asking that. you are right. it is the election season in the left has always understood far better that you must be in control today in for the last 30 or 40 years for a great success they have managed to successfully infiltrate the
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high school and elementary schools of america if we need to encourage every day americans to take up the jobs of teaching journalism if not for everybody but they can support somebody else's insist then we will lose everything we have every single day young people of my country and did your country are going down to enjoy a isis but if you take a deeper look is in a surprise when for their
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entire life they have been told they have nothing to be proud of as americans? they are not permitted to have an identity and the only people out there that offer the identities they come and enjoy a glass. they're evil but they have the identity. this is why we're losing the fight so all of us have to be vigilant we need to implore the tactics of the left. this is what i write about in my book "retaking america" crushing political corectness" we need to have a watch list with university professors who have been
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proven to spout anti-american hatred to satellite this teacher teaching my kids so we need to step up and be bold and vigilant and ordinary people better obviously not concerned the find ways to incentivize the part of the employment. >> i've adopted child the united states of america. i love what america stands for. from your perspective don't
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look for somebody else to help you start helping in speaking and others will follow. what do you think we should do? ended the same time we look at people and say as a republican sometimes we isolate ourselves then i should go tell them.
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>> first of all, let me preface it was exactly two months before ronald reagan and walter mondale although i am a reagan baby but it does put the into the millennial pleyel. i've tried to keep that part very quiet the reagan baby is not as common as the clinton baby. but i happen to state we need to have every child to is the proud because america is individualistic is not collectivist so even those english-speaking countries
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isn't the america of that we go unless people embrace their individualism. and for those who come to the united states with that incredible diversity for individuals bellevue are right we need to reach out much more to the other side increasingly america has become polarized we need the hearts and minds of people to be involved in your local communities to talk to your neighbors and good down the street even if you will not convince the person you can
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more effectively combat that ideology and it is really important people understand that. and but today the allies was successfully prosecute the second to world war but it would be impossible not to germany or mussolini. we could not do it. we don't have the stomach with live in a world of instant gratification. the military wants to do it but to approve the world war ii targets there is is this
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idea that if we kill five of theirs ended is an overreaction. that is not how you win. there has to be moral clarity of political correctness removes that moral clarity. 75 years ago your country and my country in turd japanese americans and italians and germans. there is no proof that they're ready think that patriotic. approved at all that they were in the way colluding with what was going on the outside. but the thinking back then
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was we don't want to risk it. we want to win. contrast to today. we have people of the islamic faith in countries all round the world are prepared to blow us up and shoot us up in chop off our heads yet if anybody today would raise the interest rate camps it would be completely crazy and this is a to advocate but you telluride our thinking has changed the ways that we do things there may come today
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that we have to win kill them before he kills us. make a list take it is real. the politically correct to put their heads in the sand. and i talk about the islamic threat to. this is a new. and it was ongoing. we need to do something about it. that is why we need to get rid of the political correctness. >> will this destroy
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ourselves? what are your suggestions for that? >> from american politics much like the culture is exceptional arrear looking at that this time around as a great opportunity and i flew in from charleston yesterday and a flight tomorrow in search of they believe 2016 is the rise of the politician and you were right the pendulum swing
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back i don't know how far as it is the greatest representation but ultimately but the president of the united states isn't just the president of america but the president of the entire world that is where everyone has a stake and when i go to new hampshire and south carolina because everybody knows this bill the white house will be important people in australia are not sleeping well because president bill bomb is not keeping the world safe. with this courage of radical islam. that is an example for you. i would love to see american unity but i don't believe
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that is a pop -- as possible from what constitutes the new american. but post world war ii into communism era when they would have meant to be an american but as they have spent democratized all the sudden now there is a debate clearly there are a lot of americans that is acceptable form of american is some bedtick my mind it is the most profoundly american and
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this is what we have to get back that increasingly it is unlikely it will be very difficult to have unity but unfortunately right now we have a conservative america and a liberal bear cub. to put them into groups and divisions in the culture of complaint and i have to be addressed. >> i wouldn't even call it a hurdle but never called to understand the threat of radical islam is that confusion of a religion verses the ideology?
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to cover aspects of their retired life. how do we educate people on the concept it is a digest a religion? but we're confusing people and will look like we are intolerant when actually it is ignorance. >> you were full of good questions. you are exactly right. three years ago i sat down and read the entire career on -- chiron. then i am here to tell you what this islamic people are doing is exactly what it says to do in that black book. doesn't need there are not peaceful as long as? of course, there are.
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the payroll the peaceful because they're now strictly adhering to their faith. they're not acting in accordance of what is presented in their holy book. so yes there are peaceful muslims. but the faith in itself is not a peaceful faith. is the ideology. you are right. americas his life and liberty in the pursuit of happiness and heiress' sharia law and the pursuit of power. we do need to get them to understand it is the ideology but political. we need to educate people in
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speaking with you here today, we need to engage in the culture that we allow these people that are out there talking about being a political ideology and we need to stop doing that. what i am suggesting is talking about this from personal experience, it is the right thing to do we're heavily on numbered paddle you need are a few good names and that is what i am hoping to call upon that we need to be bold because that is american and we need to
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be unafraid. >> in their brother shared with me their religion creates a shameful culture but in contrast to american culture based on morals. how would you contrast the shameful culture created in the middle east and the of the muslim faith with political correctness to those adopted here to the principles? >> you are right. both encourage shame and. [inaudible] confidence so those objectives of radical islam
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are one in the same is dyewood submits i take al gore brought down the buildings of the world trade center as they continually run defense. they are just as guilty and to deal with this enemy is growing.
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that is tell people political correctness are swept up in and i appreciate you pointing that out. you are right. the religion itself the ideology itself is radical. we have to get out of that habit of doing that is what
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i was doing and i do apologize speed the basic tenets of christianity your love and forgiveness compared to the basic tenets of islam. jesus christ himself did not hesitate to shame those who did not exercise lovely and forgiveness. i would suggest we take that example to start shaving our friends and family and anybody we associate when they embrace the politically correct nonsense. we are not exercising courage. i take what i heard is ready to exercise courage. >> we do to encourage people to be courageous and shoot
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get out there and fight. your right. the left has all of these tools that they use whether on-line petitions political correctness was born on college campuses but it has been recognized to social media and that is why it is a force in our culture. if you google any prominent conservative identity to figure out how evil and criminal that we are but any less than prominent figures it will be completely devoid of any criticism they have not destroyed that reputation and we do need to zero encourage courage or employe the tactics of the


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